Camp Shaashuim Holds Annual Convention
Chestnut Ridge, New York—By, Shaashuim Staff Writers
December 26, 2024
Summer camps are not known for their winter activities. Yet, Camp Shaashuim, an awesome boys camp, held their first annual convention this past weekend, at a residential estate in Chestnut Ridge, New York.
Participants came from far and near. Early arriving attendees quickly got to work assisting with various logistical tasks following a whirlwind day attending yeshiva, grabbing their stuff from home, and catching a ride to the convention.
The convention began with campers excitedly reacquainting with each other while being ushered to mincha, as they fastidiously kept the day’s zmanim.
After mincha, instruction was given as to rural nighttime safe walking rules, and free reflective vests were distributed to all attendees. Then attendees commenced a short walk in the freezing cold weather to the garage shul where Kabbalas Shabbos and Maariv would take place.
Rabbi Yehoshua Srebro delivered opening remarks, setting the tone for a beautiful rendition of Lecha Dodi and Maariv led by Yerachmiel ‘JJ’ Srebro. Good Shabbos was wished in traditional Camp Shaashuim fashion with each staff member greeting each camper on the Good Shabbos Line.
The Friday night keynote seuda was held in a specially designed tentlike structure built especially for the occasion replete with heaters and lighting. Notwithstanding the cold, the meal was delicious with warm feelings all around. Dovid Maybruch shared a lomdishe dvar torah from his rebbi, and Rabbi Yossi Schorr graciously shared divrei chizuk elaborating on the topic of feeling Hashem’s tap. Friday night learning was held in the Glogover Bais Medrash across the street, followed by Oneg Shabbos.
Shabbos morning, davening and kiddush was held in the garage shul with a break for learning while awaiting a baal koreh. Yisroel Yachzel from Queens, but currently attending Yeshiva Shaarei Chaim in Far Rockaway, New York, led the assembled in a stunning performance of Shachris. He serenaded the crowd with the particularly poignant and relevant tune of Haben Yakir Li… for Mimkomecha in Kedusha. Dovid Maybruch served as gabbai since Yitzchok Roizman was not present. Duvie Weiss got Shishi. Mussaf was offered by Shmuli Herskowitz, who did an amazing job navigating both tune and Nusach Sefard. Kiddush, sponsored and curated by Nosson Tzvi Hertz was then held indoors at the Respler Estate.
The Shabbos Day Seudah was eaten across the street at the Glogover Bais Medrash. With much help from some hard-working campers all foodstuffs were delivered in a timely fashion to enable eating a geshmake seuda. The oilam was entertained by future Shaashuim counselor Avi Blatt, and heard divrei chizuk from Rabbi Yaakov Dov Cohen. Bentching was led by Peretz Posen, of ninth grade fame. Mincha followed almost immediately after.
Shalosh Seudos was held at the Respler Estate for those still able to imbibe more food. Stirring, hartzige zemiros were sung, and Rabbi Yehoshua Srebro delivered a beautiful Shalosh Seudos Shmuz. Bentching was led by Rabbi Henoch Goldschmidt which was followed by Maariv.
After Maariv, a stunning Camp Shaashuim Havdalah Ceremony was led by Rabbi Yehoshua Srebro.
Following Havdalah, the oilam quickly packed and changed to be able to go swimming. At swimming, thoughts and prayers were offered for those not present at the convention. The experience of swimming in the twenty-two-degree weather was exhilarating for all attendees and some even chose to go home in their Crocs leaving their Shabbos shoes behind.
After swimming, traditional Motzoei Shabbos pizza was eaten, and picture and video snippets from Summer 2024 were shown. The evening ended with preliminary photos and discussions regarding Summer 2025.
Aiming to return home at a normal time, attendees were ushered out of the venue and quickly spirited back to where they came from. All who attended had an awesome Shabbos and productive convention experience. Organizers and attendees both agreed on the need to hold another event before Summer 2025.